Wednesday, 13 June 2012

More important to the nation then the census, the Destroya poll takes place every 10 years and lets the world know how the Demi Gods of Rock think. Their thoughts on the past and of course a little glimpse in to the future.

Here are the results that the world has waited for. (Interestingly their may have been an extra couple of entries from Non Destroya members who obviously surf the internet looking for polls to fill in.  Luckily though their answers did not seem to distort the results).
Question 1:
Which was your favourite Destroya Tour?

1st:   Amsterdam 1st tour.              42%
1st:   Milan.                                       42%
3rd:  Cunt                                          16%

Joint Winner: Amsterdam and Milan.

Interesting that Milan was joint winner with the clear pre – poll favourite of Amsterdam.  Cunt came 3rd.
Question 2:

Which Destroya Babe should be invited for the next tour as a pre-show fluffer?
1st:   Charlize Theron.                        43%
2nd:  Kirsten Dunst.                            29%
3rd:  Natalie Imbruglia                         9%
3rd:  Cunt                                               9%

Theron said ‘I am staggered by this win, especially against Kirsten who I know is deeply loved by the Destroya boys.  I shall forthwith get a tattoo on my upper thigh with the words ‘property of Destroya’ and an arrow pointing to my snatch.  With regard to the job as pre-show fluffer, I shall start practising trying to suck a golf ball through a hose pipe to ensure I can fulfil this dream job’.

 Question 3:
The 2013 tour/25th Anniversary Stag do should be in which city?

1st:   Amsterdam (including the one answer of Amsterdam & Dortmund)  59%
2nd:  Rio                                                 10.33%
2nd:  Somewhere hot                          10.33%
2nd:  Cunt                                             10.33%

The honour of staging the proposed 2013 tour/Dom’s 25th Anniversary stag do has fallen to…..
Amsterdam with the match being in Dortmund. A beer fuled train journey awaits then.
Interesting that the 3 other entries where Rio, (impractical), somewhere hot and of course the now serial entry of ‘Cunt’.  Not sure which cunt we could have all 5 Destroya members in at once apart from Katie Price.

 Question 4:

 Which was the best Actual match we have seen?

1st:    Inter vs AC Milan                    29%
2nd:   PSG vs Marseille                     14.2%
2nd:   Ajax vs Den Bosch                 14.2%
2nd:   Roma vs Lazio                          14.2%
2nd:   Real Madrid vs Santander  14.2%
2nd:   Cunt                                            14.2%

The closest of all the questions.  Inter vs AC got 2 votes and all the others got the 1 vote.  It was of course the first tour with all the then 8 members of Destroya in.  Vaffanculo indeed.

Question 5:
Your favourite meal on tour?

1st:    Bavarian Brunch Hamburg                  44%
2nd:   Milan 3hr lunch                                      29%
3rd:   McDonalds                                              8.5%
3rd:   Cunt                                                          8.5%

The food on a Destroya tour is hugely important.  We always have at least Burger and there will always be at least 1 meal eaten in an Italian restaurant.  The meals themselves can be excellent quality, (the Italian in Berlin) and really really shit, (Dirty Diana Burgers in London).  The Bavarian Brunch is one I think was more about the experience then the food. The serving staff, woof and of course the Music, thank you Gepeto .

 Question 6:
The Worst tour?

1st   Paris                               49.98%
2nd  Rome 2nd                      33.32%
3rd  Leeds                             16.66%

I thought this was going to be a landslide but Rome 2 got 2 votes.  (1 person skipped. I think it was the cunt man).

 Paris as we all would like to see it.

Question 7:
Most Memorable Moment?
1st    8 Beers Pleeeessshhh                           42%
2nd   Your once, twice, three times more expensive then you said you would be.  14.28%
2nd   Cello & the Tranny
2nd   Tofifee
2nd   Cunt

With  3 votes Clemy de Moan wins with the Classic 8 beers.  The fact that 2 of the Most Memorable short list came from Clem shows what a legend the man is.

Clem presenting one of the 8 beers to Soakie Vest.

And as a special treat for the person who entered 'Cunt' on all but one of the questions I thought I would finish of with a picture of a great big Cunt.