Saturday, 3 December 2011

Matt Johnson: 'I don't know why Virtual Dildo hates me

Matt Johnson, lead singer of 80's alternative band 'The The' has admitted today that he is baffled by the 'hate campaign' by Marc Virtual Dildo. Johnson says 'We were just not that big. Every time he announces a new Destroya competition he always stipulates that the word 'the' is not allowed'.
The band who never actually managed a top 10 hit, but had several hits that charted between 35 and 100, admitted that despite this snub by Dildo they remain devoted Destroya fans and point to the fact the Johnny Marr once played for them as proof that they are a serious band. Johnson looks down at the membership card for the Clapham branch of the 'followers of Dr Love' and let's out a little cry of pain.
We confronted MVD about this and he said 'look, I checked with Domefur, Dump and Soakie, who know about that music stuff and they all agreed that The The were shit and not to worry myself about it.... So I won't'. Johnny Marr said 'they are shit! I was pissed and they recorded me taking a dmp and put it on a track so they could say 'oh look, Johnny Marr was on this track. We are serious musicians'. They are not fit to wipe the penis of the legioned that is Marc Virtual Dildo'.

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